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School Health Measures

One of the School District of Janesvilles Promises deals with Health and Safety—"Prioritize the safety, health, and wellness of our school community.” Keeping that in mind, the School District of Janesville works:
  • In partnership with the Rock County Public Health Department : the School District of Janesville is in regular contact with the Rock County Public Health Department, relying on their expertise in addressing communicable diseases, and implementing their recommendations for a safe return to school.
  • In partnership with Families--the School District of Janesville will make every effort to keep families informed of best practices that will help slow the spread of illness in school, at home, and in the community.
  • In partnership with Staff and Students--the School District of Janesville will work with staff and students to help them understand and follow new procedures and measures necessary to slow/prevent the spread of disease.

Please review the following information – and please note that the COVID-19 public health emergency is fluid, and we will adapt this information as needed.

School Safety Measures

Operations: Daily Procedures


Thank you for reviewing this information. Individual schools will be providing additional details on procedures/plans as they pertain to their respective buildings.

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