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Administering Medications

Medications should be administered to school children by parents at home whenever possible. In the event that a student needs medication during school hours, the following information contains the process and procedures that need to be adhered to for safe administration of medications to students. For medications that need to be administered by school staff during school hours, the following form will be needed:

Medication Consent Form

Prescription Medications:

All Prescription medication must have written consent from BOTH the parent/guardian and a licensed prescriber on the district Medication Consent Form. All consent forms must be renewed each school year or whenever the prescription changes.

Prescription Epinephrine:

The incidence of severe allergic reactions has been rising on a national level. Common causes are allergies to food, latex, medications, and insect stings. Anaphylaxis can affect all body systems; however the most dangerous is the respiratory system. Symptoms include difficulty breathing, drop in blood pressure, or shock. Anaphylaxis reactions have potential to be fatal.

All students with a known allergy are encouraged to bring a physician’s order and their prescription epinephrine. It is important that students have their own prescription epinephrine at school. District nursing staff will create an individual care plan for each student. If a person has no specific plan or no known allergy and has a anaphylactic reaction, the district will utilize a stock epinephrine under a blanket physician order. That means we have an stock epinephrine that can be used for anyone in an emergency situation. These stock epinephrine cannot be checked out for field trips, off campus events, or excursions. This is why it is important that students have their own prescription epinephrine for field trips and after school activities. In the event that epinephrine is administered at school, 911 will be called and the student will be transported via ambulance to a hospital. This is for the safety and well-being of the student in the event that they may have a “rebound” reaction.

Over The Counter (OTC)- Non Prescription Medications:

In compliance with Wisconsin Statute 118.29 a parent/guardian can fill out a written request (Medication Consent Form) for administration of a non-prescription medication at school. The School District of Janesville personnel will only administer the recommended therapeutic dose of the non-prescription medication as labeled on the package. If the dose needed is other than what is recommended on the label a physician order will be needed. All non-prescription medication must be in the original manufacturer’s package and labeled with the student's name.

Labeling, Storage, and Transport of all Medications to School:

Prescription medication will be supplied by the parent or guardian in the original pharmacy labeled container with the following information:

  • Student’s full name
  • Name of medication which matches the Prescriber's order on the Medication Consent Form
  • Dosage of medication
  • Prescribers name matching the name on the Medication Consent Form

Non-prescription medication in accordance with Wisconsin Statute 118.29

  • Must be in the original manufacturer’s package
  • The package must have the drug name and ingredients as well as FDA recommended therapeutic dose
All medications, prescription or non-prescription, for use at school will be located in a locked area. Staff will not cut or split pills.

Parents/Guardians should transport medications to the school. If any other arrangement for transportation of medications is made it must be approved by the school nurse (RN) and building principal.


The building principal in cooperation with the school nurse (RN), shall designate in writing, the names of appropriate school personnel who will have the authority to administer medications to students in a manner consistent with all relevant policies and procedures.

An employee designated to administer medication will be notified by the building principal and/or school nurse (RN). They will receive appropriate instruction and training by a school district nurse. Individuals may not be required to administer medications to students by any means other than ingestion. An employee may assume the responsibility of giving a medication by non-oral routes if they are willing and have been properly trained, and it is a task that can be delegated to an employee without a health care license. School personnel administering medications to students are exempt from civil liability, if acting in good faith and have appropriate training.

Compliance Guidelines:

Accurate and confidential records shall be maintained through Infinite Campus for each student receiving medications at school. Only trained staff will have access to the student Health tab in Infinite Campus for recording administration of medications.

A monthly medication audit will be completed and documented by the school nurse (RN) at each building. If a medication error is noted it is documented on the Monthly Medication Administration Report Form. Parents are notified and staff is re-trained immediately. Refusal of a medication from a student is not considered an error, however the parent/guardian will be notified as a result.

Certain situations may require further investigation. The School District of Janesville reserves the right to investigate questionable medication incidents. If staff see that the medication shape or color is different than the previous prescription or are in any way suspicious, they should notify the school nurse (RN) immediately.

Missing medications should be reported to both the school nurse (RN) and building principal. If the missing medication is a controlled substance it will be reported to the Director of Student Services and the Janesville Police Department.

Unused Medications:

At the end of the school year or if a medication is discontinued, parents will be notified by phone or in writing to come to the school to pick-up the medication. Any other pickup arrangements must be approved by the school nurse (RN). If medication is not picked up by the end of the school year it will be discarded or destroyed in an environmentally safe manner. Prior to the disposal, there will be a medication manifest filled out by the school nurse (RN) and one other building staff member.

Self Administration of Prescription Medication by Students:


According to Wisconsin State Statute 118.29(1) Possession and use of metered dose inhalers for asthma, any student can carry a dose inhaler on their person and self-administer. This applies to students of all ages who have a physician order and completed the Medication Consent Form. Both the parent/guardian and licensed prescriber must indicate in writing that the student has a clear understanding of the medication and how it is to be administered.

According to Wisconsin State Statute 118.29(2) Possession and use of epinephrine auto-injection system for use in severe allergic reactions and anaphylaxis allows students to carry an epinephrine auto-injection system on their person and self-administer. This applies to students of all ages who have a physician order and completed the Medication Consent Form. Both the parent/guardian and licensed prescriber must indicate in writing that the student has a clear understanding of the medication and how it is to be administered.