Substitute Opportunities & Information
Be a Difference Maker!
The School District of Janesville (SDJ) is looking to hire substitutes who love to work with children and support the varying needs of our students. Join an exceptional team of substitutes making a difference with our students every day!
Why be a Substitute in the School District of Janesville (SDJ)?
- Work your preferred days and select the grade level you enjoy most
- Choose to work in day-to-day assignments or long-term assignments
- Competitive Pay
- No nights, weekends or holidays
- Rewarding work
- A welcoming and supportive work environment
- Lunch provided on work days at no cost to the Substitute
- Substitute Teacher Testimonials
Sub Scheduling Phone Number: 1-800-942-3767
Current Open Substitute Positions
Additional Resources
- Payroll Cut Off Dates for Substitutes
- Substitute Teachers Flyer
- Substitute Teacher / Paraprofessional Handbook
Payroll Cut Off Dates for Substitutes
Substitute Teachers Flyer
We are hiring!
Become a Substitute Teacher in the School District of Janesville (SDJ)
SDJ is dedicated to providing a high quality education for all students and would love to have you join our team as a substitute teacher!
- Work your prefered days and select the grade level you enjoy the most
- Engage with a diverse group of students
- Make a positive impact in the lives of students
- Welcoming and supportive work environment
- Associate's or Bachelor's Degree in any area; or
- DPI certified teacher
- No prior experience required
Competitive Pay:
- Individual days:$150/day
- Long term(5+days) =$225/day
- Contact Human Resources at 608-743-5024
Don't miss this opportunity!
The SDJ is also seeking substitues for Paraprofessionals, special education, custodial, and food service\ positions.
To learn more or to fill out an application, visit our website:
Substitute Teacher / Paraprofessional Handbook
Substitute Teachers and Substitute Paraprofessionals are essential to effective instruction to students in our school district. We greatly appreciate your services!
This handbook will provide you with information about our substitute teaching/paraprofessional program.
School District of Janesville Contacts: Nichole Conaway, Human Resources Generalist 608-743-5024 |
Application procedures Substitute Hiring Non-Certified Substitute Training Personnel file completion Frontline Absence Management Short- and Long-term assignments Office Hours 7:30 am to 4:00 pm |
Jessica Haefner Payroll questions Payroll Specialist 608-743-5051 |
Payroll questions |
Frontline Absence Management Contacts: |
Phone: 1-800-942-3767 |
Substitute Teacher and Substitute Paraprofessional applicants can apply by visiting the human-resources/substitute-positions and selecting one of the following
CERTIFIED SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS: Individuals that hold a current or renewable Wisconsin Teaching Certificate.
Applicants that are selected for hire, will be contacted directly by the Human Resources Department.
NON-CERTIFIED SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS: Individuals holding an associate or bachelor’s degree in an area other than education. Applicants that are selected for hire, will be contacted directly by the Human Resources Department.
Applicant must meet the Department of Public Instruction requirements to apply for a Three-Year Short-Term Substitute license as per below.
To apply for a Three-Year Short-Term Substitute license:
- Applicant must hold an associate degree or higher from an accredited college or university. Submit original transcripts with the application.
- Applicant must submit evidence that they have successfully completed the district-selected substitute training. The following are acceptable forms of documentation:
- Confirmation letter of successful completion, on district letterhead, including date of completion, signed by an authorized Administrator.
- CESA, WEAC or STEDI Certificate of Completion, including date of completion.
- PI-1633 Substitute Teacher Training Verification Form from a school district that has provided training.
The applicant will pay the CESA, WEAC or STEDI Certification fee as well as the Three-Year Short-Term license fee.
Substitute Teacher selection is based on the following criteria:
- a. Candidate holds a current Wisconsin, regular or substitute teacher certification, or has completed the necessary training for non-certified substitute teachers and has applied for a Wisconsin substitute teaching license or short-term substitute teaching license;
- b. Candidate has a record of success in teaching or working with students preferred, but not required.
Substitute Paraprofessional selection is based on the following criteria:
- a. Candidate has a high school diploma or equivalent;
- b. Candidate has experience working with children and/or persons with disabilities;
- c. Candidate has a successful work history.
Selection is made without regard to age, sex, race, color, creed, national origin, sexual orientation, or physical handicap.
A personnel file for a substitute teacher or substitute paraprofessional consists of an application for working as a substitute, a copy of a current Wisconsin teaching license or Special Education Program Aide License, and credentials. Current credentials should be forwarded from a placement office if available.
- The School District of Janesville uses Frontline Absence Management. Substitute teachers and substitute paraprofessionals may elect to receive phone calls from the automated system and/or log into their Absence Management account to select jobs that are available for the current day and/or future dates. The system begins calling for same-day assignments at 6:00 a.m. The system calls for future assignments beginning at 4:30 p.m. and ending at 9:00 p.m.
- When you have provided the necessary paperwork to complete your personnel file, you will be given instructions and login information for the Frontline Absence Management System.
- The assignment given to the substitute will not be changed under normal circumstances. Under unusual circumstances the building principal may ask the substitute to work in an assignment other than the one to which the substitute was called.
- A substitute teacher called to substitute as a special education paraprofessional will be paid at the substitute paraprofessional rate of $15.00 for that position.
- The teacher workday is from 7:45 a.m. to 3:45 p.m., including a ½ hour lunch. Substitutes are expected to adhere to this schedule. If you leave early or arrive late (when you received the call in a timely manner), you will not be paid for the work time you have missed. These arrive or leave times must be communicated with the building Principal or Administrative Assistant to Principal.
- Please contact Scott Garner, Assistant Superintendent at 608-743-5024 to discuss any issues with the district’s substitute teacher/substitute paraprofessional program.
- The daily rate of pay for substitute teachers is $150.00 per day.
- For partial day assignments, Frontline Absence Management will inform you regarding start and end times for an assignment. The pay rate for partial day substitute assignments is prorated accordingly to the hourly rate of $18.75.
- Substitutes are expected to cover or assist in other classes during the regular teacher’s scheduled preparation periods when directed by the school principal. This is considered part of the regular workday. No additional wages are paid for this coverage/assistance.
- If you leave early or arrive late (when you received the call in a timely manner), you will not be paid for the work time you have missed. These arrive or leave times must be communicated with the building Principal or Administrative Assistant to Principal.
- If a substitute has been called and reports to an assignment that, due to some error, does not exist, the substitute will be reassigned to another substitute assignment if one is available. If no other substitute assignments are available, the substitute will be paid one-half day’s pay.
- Direct deposit of paychecks for all School District of Janesville employees is mandatory. Information about this benefit can be obtained through the Payroll Department, Jessica Haefner, Payroll Specialist, at 608-743-5051.
- For staff that qualify and/or are enrolled, the School District of Janesville will pay the employer share of the required contributions to the State Retirement System. As required under statute, you will make an employee contribution to the WRS in an amount equal to one-half of the total actuary required contribution rate as approved by the Employee Trust Fund Board.
- If you are asked to travel as a part of your substitute assignment, the District will reimburse you at the current IRS rate. The district mileage form can be obtained in any school office or the Business Services Department. It is preferred that you wait until you have accumulated a significant number of miles before submitting your mileage sheet, but no later than June 30th of the current year (even though the form states you should turn it in every month).
- Any questions about substitute teacher paychecks should be directed to the Payroll Department, Jessica Haefner, Payroll Specialist, at 608-743-5051.
- The rate of pay for substitute paraprofessionals is $15.00 per hour.
- Substitute paraprofessionals assignments do not include a paid lunch break. If you are uncertain if your assignment includes a lunch break, be sure to ask the Administrative Assistant to Principal.
- If a substitute paraprofessional has been called and reports to an assignment that, due to some error, does not exist, the substitute may be reassigned to another substitute assignment if there is one available. If no other substitute assignments are available, the substitute will be paid two hour’s pay.
- Direct deposit of paychecks for all School District of Janesville employees is mandatory. Information about this benefit can be obtained through the Payroll Department, Jessica Haefner, Payroll Specialist, at 608-743-5051.
- For staff that qualify and/or are enrolled, the School District of Janesville will pay the employer share of the required contributions to the State Retirement System. As required under statute, you will make an employee contribution to the WRS in an amount equal to one-half of the total actuary required contribution rate as approved by the Employee Trust Fund Board.
- Any questions about substitute paraprofessional paychecks should be directed to the Payroll Department, Jessica Haefner, Payroll Specialist, at 608-743-5051.
- A short- or long-term assignment is one in which you substitute teach in one assignment for the same teacher for five (5) or more consecutive days.
- A short-term assignment is substitute teaching for five (5) or more consecutive days in one assignment for the same teacher but ends at no more than forty-four (44) consecutive days.
- A long-term assignment is substitute teaching for more than five (5) consecutive days in one assignment for the same teacher and ends at no less than forty-five (45) or more consecutive days. A long-term assignment requires that the substitute teacher be licensed in the area and/or grade level for which they are working or that a One-Year License with Stipulations is applied for.
- The rate of pay for a short-/long-term substitute teacher is $225.00 per day. PLEASE NOTE: The short-/long-term rate does not apply to transition days (before or after the assignment) during which the regular teacher and substitute teacher work together. The substitute will receive the regular daily rate ($150.00) for transition days.
- The building principal will make the final decision as to who will be assigned to a short- or long-term substitute teaching position.
- If a substitute teacher teaches five (5) or more consecutive days in the same assignment, the teacher shall be paid the short-/long-term rate of $225.00 per day, retroactively to the first day of the assignment.
- If a substitute teacher is assigned to a short- or long-term assignment and works the two or three days before students arrive at the beginning of the school year, the substitute will be paid the short-/long-term rate, of $225.00, for these first days.
- A short- or long-term substitute teacher assignment can end at any time at the discretion of the building principal. All assignments are given a tentative end-date, but this can be changed by the administration.
- If a short- or long-term substitute teacher attends after school activities, meetings, IEP’s, conferences, etc. that other contracted teachers are expected to attend and do not receive extra pay for, there is also no additional pay for the short- or long-term substitute teacher as they are working at the capacity of the contracted teacher, at the long-term sub rate ($225.00 per day).
- For every twenty-one (21) days worked in the same short- or long-term assignment, a short- or long-term substitute teacher will earn one (1) day of paid sick leave. If a short- or long-term substitute teacher is absent due to personal or family illness or funeral leave, and has earned a sick day to cover this illness, the absence will not count as an interruption of the short- or long-term assignment. Sick days earned during a short- or long-term assignment do not accumulate from one assignment to another.
- Short- or Long-term substitute teachers are required to have verification of a tuberculosis test be on file in the Employee Benefits Department.
- Short- or Long-term substitute teachers are normally not expected to attend, and are not paid for, professional development and workdays, unless requested by the building principal. These unpaid days are not considered interruptions of service. Therefore, the initial 5-day period does not have to be repeated.
- A short- or long-term substitute teacher may be asked to work on a teacher workday; this will be approved by the principal on a case-by-case basis. Do not assume that you should work on this day; make sure to ask your principal for permission.
- Observe the work hours, schedules, and responsibilities of the regular teacher. The teacher workday is 7:45 a.m. - 3:45 p.m. The hours of paraprofessional positions vary and will be provided to you by Frontline Absence Management.
- If you have accepted a job in the Frontline Absence Management System, it is your responsibility to cancel the job if you are unable to fulfill the assignment. The only exception to this is an emergency situation.
- Upon arrival, report directly to the school office to obtain the materials and instructions you need.
- Lunch is provided at no cost to our substitute teachers.
- Every effort will be made to notify a substitute teacher or substitute paraprofessional of planned field trips in advance. If you are not notified of a field trip in advance, please make sure to report this to Nichole Conaway at 608-743-5024.
- Check the teacher's mailbox before going to the classroom for notices or communications that require immediate attention.
- Report to the school office before leaving the building to determine if your services will be needed the following day.
- The substitute teacher or substitute paraprofessional is covered under the School District of Janesville comprehensive liability insurance, the same as regular employees. If a substitute teacher or substitute paraprofessional is injured at work, please notify the building principal or designee as soon as possible, but not later than 24 hours.
- In the event the start of school is delayed due to inclement weather, a substitute teacher/substitute paraprofessional should report to work as soon as they are able. They will not be paid for hours that they are not at work.
- Substitute Parking Permits are required at the following schools : Craig and Parker High Schools. These can be picked up in the office of either high school or in the Human Resources Department. Vehicles parked on school grounds are subject to search. Vehicles that are parked on school grounds at Craig and Parker High Schools without a parking permit are subject to ticketing by the City of Janesville Police Department.
- A substitute teacher or substitute paraprofessional should not be using cellular phones for personal calls during the workday except during scheduled break periods. Every effort should be made to refrain from using cellular phones in the presence of students.
- On the back of each classroom door is a packet containing information on actions to take during specific emergencies in the building. Please take a moment and review this packet.
It is the responsibility of each regularly employed teacher to develop a special folder for substitute teachers. This folder should be kept in a desk drawer or in a place known to the building principal and administrative assistant to the principal. Included in this folder should be:
- An up-to-date teaching schedule that includes each instructional class, preparation time, and special duties, such as supervision, fire drill responsibilities, and special area assignments.
- Current lesson plans, with details needed by a substitute. It is the expectation of the School District of Janesville that you adhere to the classroom teacher's lesson plans as closely as possible.
- A current seating chart for each class if students are assigned to specific seats in your room. Use names that students want to be called at school.
- A special substitute "Vita Sheet" will be part of each substitute folder for quick information to help the substitutes.
- Information regarding access to texts, supplies, curriculum guides and the use and location of AV equipment.
- Forms and procedures for taking attendance and performing other student accountability tasks.
- A list of dependable students to call on to help with routine classroom responsibilities.
- A short narrative on students with special needs and how to deal with each of them, i.e., religion, medication, etc.
- Peer assistants, office helpers and members of organizations such as sports, chorus, and band, and the time and procedure for excuses from classes as appropriate.
- Information about classroom rules, policies, safety procedures, and privileges.
- Information about special events and responsibilities.
- If you find that the regular teacher has not left the information you need, it is your responsibility to discuss this matter with the building principal.
- Fill out the Substitute Feedback Form and leave it in the teacher's plan book.
- Leave the room in an orderly fashion for the regular teacher, especially chalk/whiteboards, records, and assignments.
If you have a student in your class with health needs that require special accommodations or may require special emergency care, a copy of that student’s health needs will be located in the substitute teacher folder. Please review the copy of this health information before class starts. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the information or care for this student, call the school office so further assistance can be provided.
The office also has information on other students with health conditions that may be in your class. If you have a question or concern about a student, call the school office to see if there is additional health information on the student.
Substitute teachers who regularly work at least 20 hours per week can participate in the District’s tax sheltered annuity program. The program is voluntary and deductions will be made from your paycheck on a pre-tax basis. If you are interested in receiving more information about starting a tax sheltered annuity, you may contact the Payroll Department, Jessica Haefner, Payroll Specialist, at 608-743-5051.
Substitute teachers are needed for our 6-week summer session. Most classes are held in the morning. If you would be interested in working as a substitute for summer school, please contact the Summer School Office, Michelle Johnson at 608-743-5042, prior to the end of the school year to have your name placed on the list.
Feedback reports are retained on file for two years. All substitutes are encouraged to schedule an appointment with the Human Resource Department sometime during the school year to review feedback reports. Please contact the Human Resource Department, Nichole Conaway at 608-743-5024, to schedule an appointment between the hours of 7:30 am to 4:00 pm.
- Paraprofessional – Special Education
- Paraprofessional – Special Education Early Childhood
- Paraprofessional – P4J (Preschool 4 Janesville)
- Paraprofessional – LMC
Substitute Teachers Long-term (45-days or longer) substitute teachers may be employed only in the subject and/or grade level for their license. A One-Year License with Stipulations (previously known as an Emergency License) may be granted to long-term substitutes based upon the required provisions.
A 5-year license allowing a person to serve as a substitute teacher may be issued to an applicant who has held or is eligible to hold a regular Wisconsin license for the teaching assignment or the equivalent license issued in another state.
Substitutes desiring certification should apply online
In accordance with the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, substitute paraprofessionals working with the special education program must obtain a Special Education Program Aide License.
To apply for a Special Education Program Aide License:
● Applicant must be at least 18 years of age
● Applicant must hold a high school diploma or an equivalent degree
● Applicant must be requested by employing school district administrator
Upon being hired for the School District of Janesville, you will be provided the required licensure request documentation for obtaining a Special Education Program Aide License. The license fee is $100.00.
Craig High School (Grades 9–12) 401 S. Randall Avenue Phone: 608-743-5210 |
Dr. Alison Bjoin – Principal Mr. Zachary Gavin – Assistant Principal Mr. Shawn Kane – Assistant Principal |
Parker High School (Grades 9–12) 3125 Mineral Pt. Avenue Phone: 608-743-5610 |
Mr. Chris Laue – Principal Ms. Brian Martin – Assistant Principal Ms. Jolene Terrones – Assistant Principal |
Edison Middle School (Grades 6–8) 1649 S. Chatham Street Phone: 608-743-5906 |
Ms. Amanda Spranger – Principal Mr. Guy Stricker – Assistant Principal |
Franklin Middle School (Grades 6–8) 450 N. Crosby Avenue Phone: 608-743-6006 |
Mr. Kurt Krueger – Principal Mr. David Adler – Assistant Principal |
Marshall Middle School (Grades 6–8) 25 S. Pontiac Drive Phone: 608-743-6206 |
Mr. Hank Schmelz– Principal Mr. Daniel Jackson – Assistant Principal |
Adams Elementary School (Grades K – 5) 1138 E. Memorial Drive Phone: 608-743-6306 |
Ms. Dana Simmons – Principal |
Harrison Elementary School (Grades K – 5) 760 Princeton Road Phone: 608-743-6406 |
Ms. Jessica Grandt-Turke – Principal |
Jackson Elementary School (Grades K – 5) 441 Burbank Avenue Phone: 608-743-6506 |
Ms. Sarah Brehm – Principal |
Jefferson Elementary School (Grades K – 5) 1831 Mt. Zion Avenue Phone: 608-743-6606 |
Mr. David Newman – Principal |
Kennedy Elementary School (Grades K – 5) 3901 Randolph Road Phone: 608-743-7506 |
Ms. Jennifer Fanning – Principal |
Lincoln Elementary School (Grades K – 5) 1821 Conde Street Phone: 608-743-6706 |
Mr. Shawn Galvin – Principal |
Madison Elementary School (Grades K – 5) 331 N. Grant Avenue Phone: 608-743-6806 |
Ms. Stephanie Filter – Principal |
Monroe Elementary School (Grades K – 5) 55 S. Pontiac Drive Phone: 608-743-6906 |
Ms. Sally Pope – Principal |
Roosevelt Elementary School (Grades K – 5) 316 S. Ringold Street Phone: 608-743-7006 |
Ms. Stacy Petersen – Principal |
Van Buren Elementary School (Grades K – 5) 1515 Lapham Street Phone: 608-743-7106 |
Ms. Stephanie Edwards – Principal |
Washington Elementary School (Grades K – 5) 811 North Pine Street Phone: 608-743-7206 |
Mr. Matt Peerenboom – Principal |
Wilson Elementary School (Grades K – 5) 465 Rockport Road Phone: 608-743-7306 |
Ms. Ashley Wright – Principal |
Preschool 4 Janesville (P4J) City-Wide Phone: 608-751-8178 |
Ms. Angela Lynch - Coordinator |
Rock University High School (Grades 9–12) 6004 S. County Rd. G Phone: 608-743-7426 |
Dr. Kolleen Onsrud – Principal Ms. Angie Kerr – Dean of Students |
Rock River Charter School (Grades 7–12) 31 W. Milwaukee Street Phone: 608-752-8273 |
Dr. Lisa Peterson – Principal Ms. Angela Burdette – Dean of Students |
ARISE Virtual Academy (Grades K–12) 450 N. Crosby Avenue (Franklin Middle School) Phone: 608-743-6110 |
Dr. Patricia Hernandez – Principal |
Statement of Nondiscrimination - Equal Opportunity Employment (SDJ Board Policy 4110)
It is the policy of the Janesville Board of Education that no employee shall be subjected to illegal discrimination under any program or activity and in employment. The School District of Janesville is an equal opportunity employer. Personnel hiring and administration in the District shall be conducted so as not to discriminate against applicant or employee on the basis of sex or sexual orientation, race, color, national origin, age, religion, pregnancy, marital status, disability or handicap, creed, political affiliation, citizenship, ancestry, arrest record, conviction record not substantially related to the nature of a person’s job or activity in the school, membership in the National Guard, state defense force or any other reserve component of the military forces of the United States or Wisconsin, use or nonuse of lawful products during non-working hours, or any other reason prohibited by state or federal law.
The Janesville Board of Education will comply with the following laws:
- Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin;
- Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination in all employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin;
- Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972, which prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of sex with regard to educational programs or activities and employment practices;
- Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of handicap; and
- Americans with Disabilities Act.
Reasonable accommodations shall be made for qualified individuals with a disability or handicap, unless such accommodations would impose an undue hardship to the District.
Substitute Teacher Testimonials
Why I love subbing in the School District of Janesville!
"I really enjoy my position as a substitute teacher in the Janesville School District. The staff at the schools I sub at are helpful and great to work with! I can keep as busy as I want to, which is almost every day!"
-- Substitute Teacher Ann Janke
"I enjoy engaging with the students and knowing I am making a positive difference. The Administrative Assistants in the buildings in which I sub always have everything organized and ready to go! The pay is also very competitive."
-- Substitute Teacher Bonnie Kanter-Braem
"I find that I am appreciated by school staff and administration when I am subbing. I have received help from HR in several situations. They are respectful and respond almost immediately when I reach out. I have also received help from the tech department and once again, I am treated with respect."
-- Substitute Teacher Robin Bichanich
How to Become a Substitute Teacher
- Substitute Teacher Requirements
- How to Apply to Be a Substitute Teacher
- Substitute Support Positions (custodial, food service, paraprofessionals, etc.)
Substitute Teacher Requirements
To be a substitute teacher, you must have either a current Wisconsin Educator License, OR an Associates or Bachelors Degree in any field and a Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) Substitute Teacher License.
- Step 1: Follow these two steps to become a Substitute Teacher if you do not have a teaching degree. Participation in a substitute training course is required. The following Department of Public Instruction (DPI) and State Superintendent approved organizations offer training programs:
- (fee of $39.95)
- CESA 2 (fee of $150)
- WEA Academy (fee of $169)
Upon completion of the training course, you will receive a Certificate of Completion that must be submitted to the Human Resources Department.
- Step 2: Upon completion of the approved substitute teacher training course, you may apply for your 3-Year Teaching - Short Term Substitute License at the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI). To apply and submit your application for the license, use the following link:
How to Apply to Be a Substitute Teacher
Applying to be a Substitute Teacher with the School District of Janesville is easy - follow these three steps:
Step 1:
- All Substitute Teacher positions are posted on WECAN (Wisconsin Education Career Access Network). Interested applicants have three options to apply:
- WECAN: Create an account and apply through WECAN ; or
- Complete the SDJ Substitute Application Form ; or
- Complete the SDJ Substitute Paper application. Any paper applications need to be sent to or dropped off at the SDJ ESC Building / HR Department at 527 S. Franklin Street, Janesville, WI 53548. They may also be sent via email to
Step 2:
- Applications for substitute positions will be reviewed by the Human Resources Department.
- If the application is complete, the Human Resources Department will mail the applicant New Hire Paperwork that includes information on completing the approved substitute teacher training and DPI licensing information if applicable.
- Applicant meets with the Human Resources Department to return all completed New Hire Paperwork.
Step 3:
- The Human Resources Department will provide the onboarding process with the new Substitute Teacher.
Pay Rates for Substitute Teachers:
- Daily Rate: $150.00 per day
- Long-Term Rate: $225.00 per day (Five or more days in the same consecutive assignment)
Substitute Support Positions (custodial, food service, paraprofessionals, etc.)
The SDJ is also hiring for Substitute Support positions including Substitute Paraprofessionals - Special Education, Substitute Custodians and Substitute Food Service.
Individuals interested in working as Paraprofessional - Special Education are required by the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) to acquire a Special Education Program Aide license. Substitute Paraprofessional - Special Education requirements include:
- High school diploma or equivalent is required.
- Experience working with children and/or persons with disabilities is preferred, but not required.
Substitute Paraprofessional - Special Education staff provide instructional support by working individually or in small groups of students with learning, cognitive, emotional or physical disabilities to reinforce learning of materials of skills initially introduced and outlined by the Special Education Teacher. In addition, Substitute Paraprofessional - Special Education staff provide behavioral support by assisting teachers in maintaining discipline and encouraging acceptable behavior of students.
Applying to be a Substitute Paraprofessional - Special Education with the School District of Janesville is easy - Follow these three easy steps:
Step 1: All Substitute Paraprofessional - Special Education positions are posted on WECAN (Wisconsin Education Career Access Network). Follow these three easy steps to apply:
Interested applicants have three options to apply:
- WECAN: Create an account and apply through WECAN ; or
- Complete the SDJ Substitute Application Form ; or
- Complete the SDJ Substitute Paper application. Any paper applications need to be sent to or dropped off at the SDJ ESC Building / HR Department at 527 S. Franklin Street, Janesville, WI 53548. They may also be sent via email to
Step 2: Applications for Substitute Paraprofessional - Special Education positions will be reviewed by the Human Resources Department.
- If the application is complete, the Human Resources Department will mail the applicant New Hire Paperwork that includes information on applying for a Department of Public Instruction (DPI) 5-Year Special Education Program Aide License.
- Applicant meets with the Human Resources Department to return all completed New Hire Paperwork.
Step 3: The Human Resources Department will provide the onboarding process with the new Substitute Paraprofessional - Special Education.
Pay Rate for Substitute Paraprofessional - Special Education position is $15.00 per hour.