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Learning & Innovation

Learning and Innovation / Curriculum

Student achievement in all areas is the heart of our district. The Learning and Innovation Department is responsible for all student achievement and growth. The Learning and Innovation Department provides services for curriculum development, implementation, and assessment in all academic areas.

  1. Use research to establish the urgent need to promote higher academic expectations and positive relationships.
  2. Develop, implement, and monitor standards-aligned curriculum and assessments.
  3. Integrate literacy, math, and technology across all disciplines.
  4. Facilitate data-driven decision-making to inform instruction.
  5. Provide opportunities for professional learning, collaboration, and growth focused on high-quality instruction and increased student learning.
  6. Engage family and community in the learning process.

For Academic Standards adopted by the School District of Janesville, please visit the DPI Academic Standards page.


Learning and Innovation Team Staff List:

Allison Degraaf

Director Of Learning And Innovation

Chris Medenwaldt

Director of Secondary Education

Gretchen Fuhrmann

Administrative Assistant to Curriculum

Christopher Maedke

CCTE Coordinator

Julie Decook

Title Program Coordinator

Angela Lynch

P4J Programs Coordinator

Tanya Wojciechowicz

K-12 Math And Science Coordinator

Paul Stengel

Program Coordinator, Summer School

Lindsay Sayles

Coordinator of Social Studies and Fine Arts

Michelle Johnson

Administrative Assistant to Curriculum and Summer School

Margaret Karleski

Administrative Assistant to P4J

Stacey Jordan

P4J Clerk

Alejandra Govantes Alcantar

District Translator

Valerie Cerrato Caceres

McKinney Vento, Bilingual Support Advocate

Giovana De Mendonca Kamke

EBIS Data Analyst

Shelley Gard

Library Media Specialist, Program Coordinator

Alexandra Licari-Schultz

Social Worker

Mary Richards

P4J Program Support, Instructional Coach