Student Enrollment
Are you new to town or new to the School District of Janesville with children in grades Pre-K through 12 and need to enroll them? We are located at 527 South Franklin St. 53548.
Enrollment is by appointment only.
Please call to make an appointment to enroll your student 608-743-5011
Non resident students
(open enrollment) please call
Upcoming Dates and Deadlines
If you are looking to make a change of address for your student:
- For Middle and High School students: take your proof of residency and your ID directly to your child's school.
- For Elementary students: when school is in session, take your proof of residency and your ID to the school. If the school is not open, please bring it to the Educational Services Center.
- For P4J students: take your proof of residency and your ID to the Educational Services Center.
Fill in then Print - Spanish
Enrollment and Registration Information
- How Enrollment Works
- Registering Online (after enrollment is completed)
- Payment of School Fees
- Free and Reduced Meals Information
- Request for School Transfer/Placement
- Printable Only Enrollment Forms
- Online Registration