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Choose Success!

As the tenth largest school district in the State of Wisconsin we have an important role in shaping our community's future. It is our privilege to encourage and inspire generations of students and are fortunate to be located in a community that partners with us to accomplish this. Local community businesses and individuals provide additional financial, social, and emotional supports to help meet the needs of our students and families and help to remove barriers to education.

If you live outside the School District of Janesville, consider the benefits for your students to participate in our engaged and empowered learning community! The Open Enrollment option in Wisconsin allows students from other districts to enroll in our schools during the Spring through an application process.

Please check out the links to the left to learn more about the Janesville community, as well as opportunities to use our facilities, volunteer your time in the district, submit a proposal for vendor services and how to enroll your student in our district.

Community Connection Newsletter