Strategic Planning
Strategic Planning Process
This fall (September 2023), the School District of Janesville is embarking on a strategic planning process to outline a path to sustainability and growth for the district in the years to come.
The process will be driven by the Strategic Planning Workgroup, which will meet approximately 4-5 times over the next several months. Members will focus on student performance and growth, educator quality, community engagement, and facilities and operations as they conduct their work.
The strategic planning process will provide an opportunity for collective engagement around the district’s “why,” while providing intention and focus for continuous improvement. The plan will guide decision making, set specific actions for progress, and enable the district to monitor, evaluate, and adjust to reach its goals.
Past Meetings
- Monday, September 25, 6pm-8pm at Marshall Middle School Cafeteria (25 S. Pontiac Drive, Janesville, WI 53545)
- Monday, October 23, 6pm-8pm at Marshall Middle School Cafeteria (25 S. Pontiac Drive, Janesville, WI 53545)
- Monday, November 20, 6pm-8pm at Marshall Middle School Cafeteria (25 S. Pontiac Drive, Janesville, WI 53545)
- Monday, December 18, 6pm-8pm at Marshall Middle School Cafeteria (25 S. Pontiac Drive, Janesville, WI 53545)
Next Step
The Donovan Group consultants are expected to present their work to the Board of Education at the regularly scheduled school board meeting on Tuesday, February 13, 2024.