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School Closings & Delays

Closing and Notification Procedures

Decisions to cancel school due to weather situations are ultimately made by the Superintendent in coordination with the school staff, the Janesville Transit System, the Van Galder Bus Company, a regional meteorologist, and other area Superintendents. These decisions are based partly on the passage of city streets, safety of rural students, and information from the county highway and city street departments. With weather-related closings/delays, information will be communicated to the public the night before (if possible) or by 6:00 a.m. on the day of the closing or delay. There will be no athletic contests and practices on days school is canceled due to weather related reasons. On days when school is in session and weather worsens, the same notifications will be used to make the announcement about after school activities by 2:00 p.m. that day.

Important notices about closings or delays (ie: inclement weather or safety concerns) will be sent to parents and guardians through the messaging system in Infinite Campus.

  • Please be sure that your parent/guardian contact information is accurate and any changes phone numbers and email addresses are correct throughout the year.
  • Messages will be sent to all methods selected “Priority” in the parent/guardian Infinite Campus account under "Notification Settings".
  • You can choose to receive messages via any/or all inbox, email, voice, and/or text options. For assistance in updating your notifications, please see your school's main office personnel.

Notifications will also be posted on:

Please note -- in many instances, the information on school closing/delay will become ‘live’ on the above mentioned sites before the SDJ’s messaging system is able to complete its calls/notifications to the more than 10,000 contacts in the messaging system.


  1. P4J Programs: If school is closed, Preschool 4 Janesville (P4J) programs located at Adams, Jackson, Jefferson, Kennedy, Madison, Washington and Wilson elementary schools will also be closed. For two-hour delays, Adams, Jackson, Jefferson, Kennedy, Madison, Washington and Wilson P4J morning programs will be canceled, but afternoon sessions will take place as regularly scheduled. For Community P4J locations (hosted at non-SDJ buildings), be sure to contact your P4J site to confirm their plans for closings or delays. 
  2. "Snow Days" and possible make-up days:  The SDJ school calendar has time built in to accommodate some weather delays/closures. With that in mind, the SDJ will allow for two inclement weather days to be just that – ‘snow days’ on which no school work will be required of students. With any potential additional inclement weather days beyond the first two, the SDJ will communicate plans to address missed instructional hours that may need to be made up. State law ( governs the required number of hours of instruction for all school districts in Wisconsin. SDJ calendar information is available at
  3. No early closing of school due to approaching winter storms: As a general rule, the SDJ does not close school early due to an approaching winter storm. This is to avoid sending students home to potentially unattended/unsupervised situations. On days when school is in session and weather worsens, the notifications will be used to make the announcement about after school activities by 2:00 p.m. that day. If parents are concerned about an approaching storm, they are welcome to come to school and pull their student(s) out early if they feel it would be appropriate.
  4. Delayed Start to School Day:  If the SDJ decides a 2-hour delay in starting school is needed, middle and high school classes will begin at 10:00 AM with elementary school starting at 10:15 AM. On delay days, school breakfast will not be available, but school lunches will be available.

Parents/guardians always have the option of keeping their child home due to inclement weather. Please be sure to call your child’s school to report the decision to keep them home. The School District of Janesville has a great team that will be clearing sidewalks and parking lots/playgrounds, and keeping the heat on in the buildings as we maintain our promise to prioritize the safety, health, and wellness of our school community.